DNAMIC services

Mobile App Migration

We empower companies to upgrade their native mobile apps to Flutter with our mobile app migration service, enhancing maintenance and increasing business reach.

Beat the Limitation of Native Mobile Technologies with DNAMIC's mobile app migration service.

Every organization is different; however, all companies face the challenge of staying competitive regardless of market changes. Using native mobile technologies often requires managing multiple codebases for mobile, tablet, web, and desktop platforms. This fragmented approach can cause increased development overhead, budget constraints, and a higher risk of human error. At DNAMIC, we remove these limitations by leveraging our proprietary technology and framework for mobile app migration to migrate your native mobile applications to Flutter. This allows you to unify your digital presence with a single, efficient codebase and clears the path for your business to continue to strive.

DNAMIC team of developers working on an mobile app migration project
Two hands holding cellphones to reinforce the mobile app migration topic

Why Choose Mobile App Migration?

The rapid expansion of new platforms and operating systems poses substantial hurdles for CIOs and CTOs attempting to keep up with market expectations. The proliferation of devices—from smartphones and tablets to wearables and smart home systems—requires enterprises to deliver consistent and high-performance apps across a wide range of contexts. According to Statista, the world’s connected devices are expected to reach 50 billion by 2030, a dramatic increase from 22 billion in 2018. This rise necessitates a flexible development approach, including a robust mobile app migration strategy, to ensure broad compatibility and an ideal user experience.

Advantages of migrating from React Native to Flutter

There are many benefits you can expect from migrating your existing native iOS and Android technologies:

Codebase Consistency

Build the code once and release it across different platforms including mobile platforms like iOS and Android, as well as desktop systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux. This entails maintaining a single codebase rather than multiple ones for each platform, which enhances efficiency and consistency across platforms. Your team will enjoy numerous advantages concerning simplified project management, monitoring tasks, and conducting tests.

Faster Development

Flutter’s hot reload functionality allows developers to see changes to the code reflected very instantly in the app, which speeds up the development process. Flutter’s extensive library of pre-designed widgets might also help to speed up UI creation.

Performance Improvements

Its performance is superb thanks to its usage of the Dart language and its own rendering engine. This can lead to faster and smoother apps, even on older devices.

User Interface

Its UI widgets are built with Material Design, which ensures that your app appears natural both on Android and iOS. If you want to make pixel-perfect graphics, Flutter is a wonderful option.

Growing Community and Support

Without a doubt, it is the most popular cross-platform framework in the world, with over 155k stars on GitHub and two million developers worldwide. Flutter has a growing and vibrant community that provides tools, libraries, and support to those transitioning from native platforms.


Using it to maintain a single codebase has the potential to significantly reduce development expenses when compared to maintaining separate codebases for iOS and Android.

However, it is critical to remember that the decision to migrate should be carefully reviewed based on each project’s unique demands and limits. While Flutter has numerous advantages, there may be hurdles and trade-offs during the migration process.

What you should know about mobile app migration.

Migrating a native iOS and Android app to Flutter involves a set of complexities that can be challenging and even overwhelming to manage without specific expertise.

Ah software developer working on an mobile app migration project

Here’s an overview of what those challenges look like:

Architectural Differences:

Developing this type of application requires a different architectural direction from that of standard native apps. While iOS apps may use MVC, MVVM, or VIPER, and Android apps might use MVP or MVVM, migrating to Flutter involves using a reactive programming model. This means a fundamental redesign of how the app manages state and data flow, which can be a steep learning curve.

UI Reconstruction:

It manages its own rendering engine and does not use native components. This necessitates a complete rebuild of the app’s UI using Flutter’s widgets. For apps with highly customized UIs, this can be a significant undertaking.

Integration of Existing Back-End Services:

If your app interacts with a complex back-end or uses third-party services and libraries, ensuring these work seamlessly with Flutter during mobile app migration might require additional development work to create appropriate interfaces or find compatible alternatives.

Performance Optimization:

While it offers excellent performance, achieving the best results on both iOS and Android platforms might require fine-tuning and optimizations specific to Flutter’s rendering pipeline and architecture.

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD):

Integrating Flutter into your existing CI/CD pipelines (which may have been designed around native development workflows) could require new tools and configurations as part of your mobile app migration process.

Team Training and Skill Development

Transitioning to Flutter necessitates that your development team learns and adapts to its framework and Dart programming language. You have two options to consider: invest in training resources to equip your team with the necessary skills while balancing their current workload during the migration, or delegate the migration process to an experienced third party. 

Flutter vs React Native - Which is Better for Your mobile app migration Project?

When it comes to building multi-platform applications or migrating mobile applications, choosing the right framework is crucial for ensuring both performance and user satisfaction. Flutter and React Native are essentially two of the most popular solutions in this arena, each with their own set of capabilities.

2 cellphones displaying React and Flutter logos

Here are a few reasons why we consider Flutter to be a much better choice for developers looking to optimize across all platforms, including mobile, desktop, and web, as part of an effective mobile app migration strategy:

Performance Metrics

It provides superior performance by compiling directly into native ARM code, offering a significant advantage in terms of speed and responsiveness over React Native, which relies on a JavaScript bridge for communication with native modules. This difference is crucial for applications requiring high performance, such as dynamic consumer apps or complex enterprise solutions.

UI Consistency Across Platforms

Its framework, which is based on widgets, ensures that your app has the same appearance and feel on all devices, including smartphones, iPads, and web browsers. This consistency is particularly important for maintaining brand integrity and user experience during mobile app migration. React Native, while robust, often requires additional plugins or coding to achieve similar consistency, especially on larger screens or additional platforms like iPads and the web.

Development Ecosystem and Tools

With Google’s backing, Flutter enjoys regular updates that introduce cutting-edge UI features and security enhancements. Its development tools, including the hot reload feature, allow developers to see changes in real-time without restarting the app, greatly enhancing productivity. This makes it an excellent choice for mobile app migration. Even though React Native also supports hot reloading, developers frequently note that Flutter offers a more seamless and dependable experience.

Comprehensive Platform Support

Its ability to support desktop, web, and mobile from a single codebase is a game-changer, especially when considering the addition of new platforms like web apps. This versatility makes it an excellent choice for mobile app migration. This is not as straightforward in React Native, which was primarily designed for mobile platforms and requires additional adjustments for web deployment.

Some companies may still decide that React Native is a better approach for their needs. For more information about why React Native could be a good option for you, click here.

Examples of Success Stories in the World of Flutter mobile app migration

It has proven to be a transformative power through the lens of major brands that have leveraged this technology for their mobile app migration to reshape their mobile strategies.

BMW, Flutter, Google Ads and Alibaba’s Xianyu logos

Alibaba’s Xianyu App

It is a standout example, where migration resulted in a 50% reduction in development effort and resource use, while simultaneously catering to over 50 million users. The app’s performance and maintainability improved dramatically post-migration.

Google Ads and BMW

These companies have also harnessed Flutter to streamline their app development processes across platforms, resulting in significant cost savings, enhanced app performance, and unified brand experiences across user touchpoints.

Our Experience with Flutter Mobile App Migration

At DNAMIC.ai, we possess deep-rooted expertise in software migration, having successfully transitioned native mobile apps to modern platforms for high-profile clients like Warner Music Group and Motorola, among many others. Our extensive experience in mobile app migration ensures that we understand the intricacies and unique challenges of each migration project, enabling us to deliver seamless, efficient, and robust mobile solutions. This track record makes us a trusted partner for CIOs and CTOs seeking to modernize their digital assets and enhance their operational agility in a competitive marketplace.

FluttureD: Our Proprietary Solution to Migrate Your Native Apps to Flutter

After years of experience in the field of software migrations, DNAMIC founders decided to build our own proprietary Mobile App Migrator tool that brings together both the right strategy for migrating as well as technological advancement, FluttureD ®. This innovative tool automates significant portions of the migration process, reducing human error and the time required to transition to new platforms. By automatically analyzing your existing application’s architecture and workflows, it efficiently maps out an optimal transformation path, ensuring that the new system is robust, scalable, and capable of supporting future growth.

White box with FluttureD logo
Two men working on a mobile app migration project

Why Choose DNAMIC for Mobile App Migration

Arturo García, a Forbes Technology Council member and respected technology expert, advocates for integrating AI and automation into modern software solutions. Under his guidance, DNAMIC.ai has ascended to the forefront as the top B2B agency in Costa Rica, recognized by Clutch.co for its excellence in software development and mobile app migration services. Our strategic focus on seamlessly incorporating artificial intelligence enables us to automate essential processes, significantly enhancing the precision and efficiency of our mobile app migration services. This approach not only streamlines operations but also ensures smarter, high-quality solutions for our clients.

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