March 8th
It is crucial to start with the denotation that March 8th is not a celebration but a commemoration of what women have endured during history and how, against odds, discrimination, sexism, femicides, and more, women continue to fight for gender equality, rising.
At DNAMIC, we have applied the 50/50 gender equality policy since the very beginning. We created a business that doesn’t accept any kind of discrimination and appreciate the uniqueness, power, and potential of every one individually.
Today, we do not write this because we have different perceptions of these women or say “happy women’s day.” Instead, we take the time to remember and celebrate all ladies who made it here today and commemorate their continued path of breaking old social customs to achieve what is rightfully theirs, excellence, respect, equality.
What does it mean to be a woman?
This question might seem too abstract or too simple for some, but most women ask themselves at any point in their lives when the inequality shows itself. It can be a very subtle action, a violent feeling, a strong word, or injustice being the law in an opportunity that seemed simple enough. Still, it became untenable or unfair because the contra part was a man.
As we reach another 8M this 2022, we continue to dismantle and fight for a rightful woman’s perspective as an individual.
Time has built fierce, disruptive women who won’t settle for injustice and want the next generations to believe they can be anything and do anything, either as a male or females. At DNAMIC, being a business that works with different industries, this belief is set as part of our culture.

What does being a woman means for our community?
We asked, and they delivered!
“For me, being a woman means being light. It represents the ability to be a mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend, professional, all at the same time and with love”. – Nayla Maxwell,
Senior IT Talent Acquisition Specialist
“To (be a woman means to) have the ability to be focused but at the same time always see beyond. To be a woman usually means that she can handle the whole picture of any situation in life”. – Ivannia Montes de Oca, HR Manager
“For me, being a woman, among many other things, means resisting. It means living with a constant struggle but hoping for an equitable society. Also, working harder to prove oneself to society, empowering oneself among women. Being a woman means creating life but also living it (with caution) too”. – Alejandra Jiménez, Graphic Designer
“Being a woman means being brave, living in a context in which walking is often like taking steps on shifting sand, but it also means having the strength to move forward without sinking, moving from wherever it is necessary to do so for the benefit of our growth.” – Fiorella Ly Rojas, Internal Talent Success Manager
“I believe that never before in the modern history of humankind has women had such a relevant role in society as we have now. Women have enriched each field in which they work: science, technology, medicine, administration, care, etc. We have brought new perspectives that allowed us to improve as a society, and we have also learned to share that experience with others to continue growing.
Our experienced voice is very important and is being heard as never before!” – Melania González, Operations Manager
“To be a woman is a struggle and a blessing. It’s a battle because you don’t realize you might be at a disadvantage till it’s too late, and by then, you have to relearn, redo, and renovate a lot of you that was once something you thought was “normal.” It’s a struggle because you live in fear, impotence, and angered because the reality we live in is dangerous. And even though you are brave and stand up to it, the feeling is there.
But it’s a blessing too! Because this reality makes you stronger. It’s a blessing because you find sisterhood in other women because only they understand what you feel, how much you feel, and that sisterhood creates a circle of trust where we encourage each other to make the world and future we know we deserve”. – Montserrat Rodríguez, Content Writer
“May we always remember all that we are, beings of great light, inspiring, capable of touching the sky and more. Each one is extraordinary”. – Tania Ureña, Contact Center Associate
“Celebrate women’s achievements. Raise awareness against bias. Take action for equality”. – This is the phrase that presents the website called, a site made to, as the phrase says, create a diverse, equitable, and inclusive world, where difference is valued and celebrated.
This year’s 8M theme is #BreakTheBias
“Individually, we’re all responsible for our own thoughts and actions – all day, every day.
We can break the bias in our communities.
We can break the bias in our workplaces.
We can break the bias in our schools, colleges and universities.
Together, we can all break the bias – on International Women’s Day (IWD) and beyond.”
The website invites to commemorate and celebrate women’s achievements, take action for equality, and raise awareness against bias. We invite you to check it out if you want to learn more about this day and its great efforts for women worldwide.
This is what 8M 2022 is all about: making a change, raising awareness, and fighting for a better future not just for women but for everyone that identifies as “other.” At DNAMIC, we will continue working alongside women and the feminist movement to achieve a better future for all.
Our mission continues to be an inclusive work culture where women’s careers thrive, and their achievements celebrated just as men’s usually are. We are here to #BreakTheBias
An equal future is a better future.
Women add significant value to our community, and we know that they are trailblazers for the future we are trying to build day by day.
Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow
What do they have in common? Why are sustainability and woman’s rights in the same fight?
Because we all want a tomorrow where prosperity, peace, and fresh air are not in shortage, but sadly at this pace, they’ll be.
Both fights are two of the most significant global challenges of the twenty-first century. The reality is that without gender equality, a sustainable, equal future remains unachievable.
If you want to join the UN’s commemoration made online this March 8th, you can find the information on their official website.
What are DNAMIC women saying to future generations?
We are dedicated to gender equality at DNAMIC, and we will tirelessly strive for a brighter future for all. We believe in an equal, sustainable, promising fate made by our efforts for the next generations to live in it and keep constructing it with our grounds.
We asked our female community one more time to write down what they´d say to younger girls. And they assembled beautiful messages, so we invite you to join us, not only to tell girls that they are unstoppable but to make that future possible!
“There are no barriers, no limits, no differences. We must believe in ourselves, learn to listen to our inner voice, and do everything we set out to do because we have more than the ability to do it, we have the courage, and we must support each other (and them too) to live in harmony and balance”.
“They are capable of achieving anything they set their minds to and more. There are no limits. Being a woman can be a great blessing”.
“That it’s worth raising our voices! And that it is worth fighting for it too! We deserve good things; we deserve respect, a well-paid job, relationships with affective responsibility. We deserve to be heard and form alliances among ourselves; above all, we deserve a dignified life and every opportunity”.
“There are no limitations in the journey you might create! Live as fully and unapologetically as you can because being a woman is all about being proud of all that makes you, you. People might sometimes say that you are too much or too little, but ignore that! Your uniqueness is a treasure, and your confidence is a strength!”
“Information is power! The new generations have the great advantage that they can learn by watching the mistakes of others never like before, with videos, audios, photos, and texts. I have faith that the new generations will understand the importance of equity, equality, diversity, humanity, and the importance of taking care of the world we live in and will not make the same mistakes that other generations have made.
You will definitely learn about life much earlier than we did. The most important thing is that the future of humanity does not depend on individualism but on our ability to generate collective benefits.
And don’t let social stereotypes dominate your life, be what you want to be!”
The Women at DNAMIC